Exit Interview 2

Still from Exit Interview, a short I wrote, produced and starred in. Painfully channeling my former office life!

tom d for cartoon

Tom Court Audience by Jenni WalkowiakTom Court Smile by Jenni Walkowiakcourtney-maginnis-tomas-delgado-B46A6167

Tom D Mindy

Tommy by Mindy Tucker

Tom D Missy Tour Guide

Doing some tour guiding and counting with my fingers.

Robin Hood Stage

Selfie at a Robin Hood benefit where I hosted for Anderson Paak, Mark Ronson, and Joey Bada$$. They made me take this selfie! And surprisingly there’s only 5 middle fingers… that I can count.

Abu Dhabi 2

My best “serious actor” impression.


Robin Hood Host 3

Onstage telling people that I am keeping whatever they throw onstage at me!


Dan and Joe and T

With my roommates, Dan Licata and Joe Pera showing the freedom that sleeveless shirts bring.